
The Daniel F. Romero Center for Contextual Change

We've been waiting for you! It's true. We believe that you are not here by accident. Above all else, we are eager to get to know you and excited to share the marvelous things happening among us and in us. It won't take long to discover that Centro Romero is a fantastic bi-national family rich in relationships within a strong network of partners.

Our center's shared, long-term, and sustainable mission unites us. Volunteers like you drive every aspect of who we are and what we do. This means that unless you choose to make a designated donation, every fee you pay and every donation you make directly support our diverse program portfolio. Together, we worship, provide care, plan and implement service projects, fund educational opportunities, and facilitate immersion experiences. We aim to reach out to the world around us intentionally, and your participation is integral to this mission.

Our doors are wide open, our hearts are filled with anticipation, and we are excited to meet you finally. We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, knowing that your unique presence will enrich our community. If you have been yearning for a place to grow spiritually and actively participate in the activities of a vibrant community, the Daniel F. Romero Center for Contextual Change is the perfect fit. You are now invited to come and experience community building with us.

C.J. Correa Bernier, PhD
Executive Director

A Borderland Community

In Centro Romero, we are committed to building community in the borderlands. We believe in the power of collaboration, networking, and sharing stories of community history and culture through service and immersive experiences in the company of culture specialists, tradition bearers, cultural objects, and more. Through these experiences, participants can explore themes of resilience and belonging, race and identity, plants and foodways, journeys and immigration, and cultural expression.

A Compassionate Community

Centro Romero is committed to building community through compassion by responding to the needs of families and individuals on both sides of the US-Mexico border. We invite individuals, agencies, and faith communities to “cross over” to offer a compassionate humanitarian response to those in need in Tijuana. By considering the evolving misunderstandings of the border region, we expose participants to the possibility of the emergence of a compassionate approach toward the border and to those arriving daily.

A Hopeful Community

Centro Romero provides direct care to those in need in the southwestern U.S.-Mexico border region through our network of partners. Our teams of volunteers are dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve. Centro Romero responds through direct services as circumstances and needs change by providing temporary shelter through the availability of heavy-duty camping tents to assist individuals and families seeking safety and protection against the elements. We also offer primary emergency medical and mental health care, food, and legal orientation.

Personal Growth and Spiritual Formation Through Service

There is no doubt that service projects contribute to personal growth. Many have discovered a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their lives by helping others. At Centro Romero, serving others helps us cultivate empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of diverse communities, ultimately fostering personal growth and enhancing emotional intelligence and spiritual formation. Although many have regarded spiritual formation and service as two different realms in Centro Romero, we do not see service engagement as the end product of a religious, intellectual, or academic journey; on the contrary, we believe that serving others can guide us toward a better understanding of human needs, instill compassion in us, and inspire us toward generosity at a much deeper spiritual living.

We execute our Mission Contextually

We execute our mission contextually in constant dialogue with two realities: the experience of the past recorded in history and tradition(s) and the experience of the here and now within the context in which we live, work, play, and worship.

A Holistic Approach to Mission

The intellectual.

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The physical.

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The spiritual.

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The emotional.

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Are you interested in bringing a group to Centro Romero? 

If you are interested in more information about who we are, what we do, or what we have to offer to the groups coming to our center in San Diego, please use the form to the right of this paragraph, and we will be in touch with you to answer any questions you may have. If you are considering bringing a group to Centro Romero, you can click here to access our planning suggestions and the programmatic calendar so you can start looking into possible dates to visit with us and start formulating possible ideas for your borderland experience. We are ready to work with you to meet your group's needs regarding specific issues, themes, or subjects. We look forward to your visit to the Daniel F. Romero Center for Contextual Change. 

Our vision:

We envision an inclusive and hospitable community rooted in justice, liberation, and holistic health in which all people can live with dignity and exercise their civil and human rights without discrimination.