The Emotional.

Emotions are energy in motion—at least, that is what we believe in Centro Romero. As with any other human experience, our emotional needs demand attention. In Centro Romero, we provide programs intentionally designed to address the emotional needs of our participants. Small groups for men and women, workshops, podcasts, and online support groups are among the various strategies we have developed to respond to the needs of a community profoundly affected by trauma.

Tapping into social connections and community.

Small Groups

  • De Mujer a Mujer

    “De Mujer a Mujer” (Women to Woman) program is a group of women, by women, for women, intentionally designed to provide Spanish-speaking women with an activity group specially designed with their emotional health in mind. Our groups are multigenerational, multicultural, and inclusive. With themes developed in sessions of ten weeks each, participants can build significant relationships with other participants, avoiding the dangers of isolation in a second country that is now their home.

  • De Hombre a Hombre

    “De Hombre a Hombre” (Men to Men) program is a group of men, by men, for men, intentionally designed to provide Spanish-speaking men with an activity group specially designed with their emotional health in mind. Our groups are multigenerational, multicultural, and inclusive. With themes developed in sessions of ten weeks each, participants can build significant relationships with other participants, avoid self-destructive behaviors, and face a profound sense of isolation in a second country that is now their home.