What we do
Our philosophy of education is modeled on experiential learning: direct experiences that transform individuals and inspire action for positive social change. We design our educational programs around Freire’s model: “acción-reflexión-acción” or action-reflection-action. In other words, it is not enough for people to come together in dialogue to gain knowledge of their social reality; they must act together upon their environment to critically reflect on their reality and transform it through further action and critical reflection.
Compassionate Community Cuisine
At Centro Romero, we understand the human desire for favorite foods and the physiological need for nutrition and hydration. Dining is an integral part of our social being and daily life. We work with local restaurants and supermarkets to collect ready-to-eat food and groceries that can provide the necessary nourishment to meet the needs of children and adults. Our compassionate community cuisine program helps our participants to have the required food to eat despite the changes they may be experiencing in their lives.
C7 - Christian Base Community
C7 operates as a "Comunidad de Base," or as a Christian Base Community; we come together to study, theologize, and work on special outreach projects. We seek to have the most significant impact possible in our neighborhoods and region by intentionally promoting all our members' personal and spiritual growth. Our focus is on human needs rather than church dogma. At C7, we firmly believe that the suffering of the poor should not be accepted as inevitable. We advocate for a faith community open to dialogue with the world beyond its walls. Our efforts are founded on Jesus's call to right actions, prioritizing them over right beliefs (orthodoxy). This is our guiding principle in all our endeavors.
The Mercy Project
Many families in Mexico migrate to the Northwest Coast region, seeking jobs and better lives. Though they find employment, they often join Mexico’s “working poor,” barely earning the equivalent of $100 a week. Their homes are built out of scrap parts—some missing a roof and lacking electricity and running water. Centro Romero, in partnership with Alfa y Omega (Artesanal) and the RCA North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean office, is trying to help. We believe home ownership can help break the cycle of poverty. Instead of being concerned about saving enough money to build a house, the family can use the money towards their children’s education and eating healthier food. See a video here.

No matter where they live or what traditions they celebrate, kids love Christmas. Through Christmas Beyond Borders, Centro Romero is sharing the good news of Emmanuel with hundreds of children in two of the most poverty-stricken areas in Tijuana: Chilpancingo and Colonia Artesanal. Many of these children have never received a gift or heard about the true meaning of Christmas until they open their gift boxes from somebody like you. Your 100% tax-deductible gift helps provide Christmas gifts for impoverished children. We’re constantly striving to use your funds responsibly and efficiently. Your sponsorship contributions are pooled and transferred directly into the program, where a team of volunteers ensures the distribution of toys moves smoothly.
The Christmas Beyond Borders program is a unique project committed to bringing joy and hope to children in desperate situations in Tijuana and beyond. Join us in our collective efforts to make a difference in these children's lives.
One more thing!
The great thing about Centro Romero’s Christmas Beyond Borders Program is that you are more than welcome to extend your contribution by joining our distribution team on Christmas morning.
For more information, drop us a note at beyondborders@centroromero.net
Christmas Beyond Borders
Zoé Support Group
To meet the needs of the vastly growing Latina community with high rates of cancer that are culturally and/or linguistically isolated, Centro Romero developed Grupos Zoé, a support-educational program that provides relevant, evidence-based information about cancer treatment, survivorship, and end-of-life care topics. We also offer guidance on navigating the complexities of the Mexican and United States cancer care systems. As a committed partner, we advocate for culturally and linguistically sensitive quality of care, access, information, and practice improvements.
Travel Study Program
In the Centro Romero Travel Study, participants engage with members of the community, as well as religious and political leaders in our host city. Participants will also meet scholars who are researching and teaching in their particular areas of interest and expertise. Our trips are scheduled seasonally. The program includes visits to cultural and archaeological sites and exposure to cultural and regional customs and festivities. If you are interested in one of our travel study experiences, please let us know by using the link below.
De Mujer a Mujer
De Mujer a Mujer is an initiative of Centro Romero driven by the objective of helping Spanish-speaking women strengthen their circle of social support, participate in recurring meetings and educational activities, process emotional issues that may be unfinished in them, and care for their spiritual (not necessarily religious) state and health. The program was started in 2013 and has helped hundreds of women move forward, be free, leave behind a past of abuse, and start a new life through an intentional approach to comprehensive health.

De Hombre a Hombre
The Hombre a Hombre group of Centro Romero is a health promotion space developed for Spanish-speaking men in the border region of San Diego and Tijuana. We seek to identify and understand the context of self-care practices and the importance of participating in a psycho-educational group designed for Latino men. We usually have two thematic categories in every group. Number one is the importance of communication within a space that calls for openness in exchanging experiences. Numer two is the development of the bond based on relational proximity and freedom to deal with emotions while understanding the advantages and importance of a masculine bond as an integral part of man's self-care. Our group encourages mutual care strategies within meetings that promote a welcoming spirit along with qualified listening, and genune masculine bonding..

Our vision
We envision an inclusive and hospitable community rooted in justice, liberation, and holistic health in which all people can live with dignity and exercise their civil and human rights without discrimination.
The Family Institute
An empowering program for couples, and families. Provides recurrent psycho-educational opportunities for the whole family and couples.
The Randi Walker Scholarship Fund
The Walker scholarship fund is designated to educate Spanish-speaking women from the southwestern U.S.-Mexico border region. (Press here)
Conversemos Podcast
A podcast that deals with the day-to-day challenges of our relationships and the strategies to be successful in them. Hosted by Dr. Correa Bernier.
Leadership Development
Theological Education for Lay Leaders
The Center for Theological Studies (CET, by its Spanish acronym) provides theological education and ministerial training that equips Spanish-speaking students for service and leadership.
Iluminare Lecture Series in Latin American Christian Thought
An annual lecture series on Latin American Christian Thought and the practice of scriptural reasoning to read and reflect on the scriptures.
Theological Education for Men
The fund provides financial support for men interested in developing and strengthening their leadership skills for service in the contemporary Latin American church in the United States.